沈大律师生长于新加坡,母语为普通话。在成为大律师前,他于新加坡军官学校(Officer Cadet School)以优异成绩毕业,获得“荣誉之剑(Air Force Sword of Honour)”奖章,并在新加坡共和国空军部队担任中尉。
- 蓝铃奖(2020)
- 厚德基金奖学金 (2019)
- 国际商事仲裁法学院奖 (2019)
- 德辅大律师事务所刘克荣大律师研究生奖学金 (2018)
- 德辅大律师事务所大学生奖学金 (2018)
- Sir David Williams Prize (2018)
- 冠军 – 立杰模拟法庭竞赛(2018)
- James William Squire Scholarship (2017)
- Dato Ng Kong Yeam Prize (2017)
- Cambridge shire and District Law Prize for Criminology, Sentencing & the Penal System (2017)
- Zhang Rui Kang & Anor v Tunghsu Group Co Ltd [2023] HKCFI 1866: Acted for the Defendants who was successfully granted leave to set aside an order granting leave to serve a Writ of Summons out of jurisdiction (led by Dr. William Wong SC, with Mr. Lai Chun Ho)
- China Ping An Insurance Overseas Holdings v Luck Gain Limited & Ors [2023] HKCFI 3315: Acted for 1st and 2nd Defendants to resist summary judgment in relation to the enforcement of US$200 million worth of bonds (with Mr. Lai Chun Ho)
- Peace Mark (Holdings) Limited (in liquidation) & Anor v Chau Cham Wong Patrick & Ors (HCA 2371/2009): Acted for the 3rd Defendant in an 18-day trial in a claim for over HK$300 million in total damages for breach of director duties, settled (with Mr. Adrian Lai)
- Absolute Skill Holdings Limited v Kim Jun Yeob & Ors [2022] HKCFI 3328: Acted for the 1st to 7th Defendants to resist an injunction to inter alia act as directors of a listed company (led by Dr. William Wong SC, with Mr. Justin Lam)
- Mantra DAO Inc. v John Patrick Mullin & Ors (HCA 749/2022): Acted for the Plaintiff to obtain an interim-interim injunction to restrain the Defendants to deal with the Plaintiff’s cryptocurrency assets and making use of or infringing the trademarks of the Plaintiff’s cryptocurrency business in the form of a decentralised autonomous organisation (with Mr. Justin Lam)
- 国际商业机器(中国)有限公司 v International Business Settlement Limited (HCCT 88/2020): Acted for the Applicant to successfully oppose the Respondent’s application to set aside a CIETAC arbitral award, settled (with Mr. Adrian Lai)
- River Trade Terminal Co. Ltd v Fat Kee Stevedores Limited & Anor (HCA 1945/2021): Acting for the Plaintiff in a claim for over HK$100 million for negligence resulting in a fire (with Mr. Adrian Lai) (ongoing)
- AHS Device Hong Kong Limited v VT Zero Limited (HCA 197/2022): Acting for the Plaintiff for a claim of over HK$26 million in a sales of goods context (with Mr. Christopher Chain) (ongoing)
- Re BGA Holdings Limited (HCCW 251/2019): Acting for the Contributories to determine the appointment of liquidators of the Company (with Mr. Abraham Chan SC) (ongoing)
- Christine Ruth Ong Chai Hoon v Lam Kin Chung (HCA 1793/2012): Acting for the Plaintiffs in a 25-day trial in relation to a claim of over HK$23 million for fraudulent misrepresentation of an investment scheme (with Mr. Christopher Chain and Ms. Sharon Yuen) (ongoing)
- Hsin Chong Group Holdings Limited (in liquidation) v Lin Zhuo Yan & Ors (HCA 1661/2019): Acting for the 20th and 21st Defendant in a claim for breach of director duties (with Mr. Alexander Tang) (ongoing)
- Semgas Supply Pte Ltd & Anor v Bonusis (HK) Industrial Limited & Anor (DCCJ 6395/2019): Acting for the Plaintiff in a 3-day trial for an email fraud claim of more than US$100,000 (as sole advocate) (pending judgment)
- China Shandong Hi-Speed Capital (HK) Limited v Great Sunrise Limited (HCA 1281/2021): Acted for the Defendant to resist summary judgment of a US$100 million contractual claim (as sole advocate)
- Wu Yee Mei v Da Sen Holdings Group Limited (DCCJ 5169/2020): Acted for the Plaintiff in a successful appeal against a costs order (as sole advocate)
- Wong Sui Ling v Lee Ting Yee (HCA 1074/2022): Acted for the Plaintiff to successfully obtain an undertaking (in the same terms in lieu of a court order) for an injunction to restrain the Defendant from carrying out any acts of harassment (as sole advocate)
- In the matter of an arbitration under Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre 2018 Administered Arbitration Rules – Acting for the Claimant in a share purchase agreement contractual dispute (with Mr. Adrian Lai) (ongoing)
- Advised a subsidiary of a major real estate land developer on the enforceability of contractual terms and competition law implications under the Competition Ordinance (Cap. 619) (with Ms. Catrina Lam)
- Advised a major international airline on labour and employment law matters in relation to summonses taken out by the Labour Department under the Employment Ordinance (Cap. 57) (with Mr. Christopher Chain)
- 《香港公司法汇编》特约编辑
- 《解决全球争端的艺术:引领国际商事仲裁》(2023年,第1版)合著作者