莫树联资深大律师在香港大学学习法律时便表现出众。在校期间,他不但赢得了备受瞩目的法学院法庭辩论比赛,还连续两年代表香港参加Jessup国际法庭辩论比赛,开创了香港参与这一国际法庭辩论盛事的先河。此外,他还荣获贝克•麦坚时律师事务所(Baker & McKenzie)颁发的若干奖项。自获得大律师执业资格之后,莫大律师很快就成为了大律师行业之中的精英。他凭借在行政法与公法领域的出色工作而备受赞赏,并受到香港政府和中央政府的委任,担任不少重要的社会职务。其中,他受全国人大常委会委任为十二位基本法委员会的委员之一。
- 铜紫荆星章(2016年)
- 由全国人大常委会依据《基本法》委任为基本法委员会委员(2008年至今)
- 太平绅士(2015年至今)
- 团结香港基金顾问(2015年至今)
- 智经研究中心顾问(2010年至今)
- 基本法推广督导委员会成员(2015年至今)
- Brick Court大律师事务所之非驻所成员(2007年至今)
- 香港资深大律师(2006年至今)
- 香港空运牌照局成员(2001-2003年)
- 香港消费者委员会委员(1989-1994年)
- 新加坡最高法院核准讼务与事务律师(1993年)
- 香港中央政策组兼任成员(1992年)
- Designing Hong Kong Ltd v Town Planning Board [2017] 2 HKLRD 60 (CA), FACV 4/2018 (CFA)
- Competition Commission v Nutanix Hong Kong Limited & Ors (Discovery), CTEA 1/2017 (14.3.18: Competition Tribunal)
- Chan Ho Tin v Lo Ying Ki Alan & Ors, HCAL 162/2016 (13.2.18: Au J)
- HKSAR v Wong Ying-ho Kennedy & Ors, DCCC 190/2017 (8.1.18: HH Judge Douglas Yau)
- Chief Executive of the HKSAR v Clerk to the Legislative Council & Ors [2017] 4 HKLRD 115 (Au J)
- Competition Commission v Nutanix Hong Kong Limited & Ors (Public Interest Immunity), CTEA 1/2017 (28.3.17: Competition Tribunal)
- Yau Wai Ching v Chief Executive of the HKSAR [2017] 1 HKLRD 460 (CA), (2017) 20 HKCFAR 390 (CFA)
- Sin Chung Yin Ronald & Ors v The Dental Council of Hong Kong (2016) 19 HKCFAR 528 (CFA)
- The Registrar of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants v X, CACV 244/2016 (20.10.17: CA)
- Kwok Cheuk Kin v Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs (2017) 20 HKCFAR 353 (CFA)
- Leung Hon Wai v Director of Environmental Protection, FACV 2/2015 (18.12.15: CFA)
- Commission of Inquiry into the Collision of Vessels near Lamma Island on 1 October 2012 (Report: April 2013)
- Secretary of Justice v Commission of Inquiry on Allegations relating to The Hong Kong Institute of Education [2009] 4 HKLRD 11 (Report: June 2007)
- Baker & McKenzie Postgraduate Prize (for Revenue Law and Commercial Law and Practice)
- David Ling Prize (for most promising potential legal practitioner)
- Maxwell Law Prize (for most promising student intending to be a barrister)
- YM Wong Memorial Prize (for Conveyancing and Probate Practice)
- Woo Po Shing Medal in Law (for best performance in advocacy)
- Simon Lee Medal in Law (for best LL.B. degree)
- Baker & McKenzie Prize (for Law of Business Association)
- Baker & McKenzie Scholarship for International Summer Clerkship
- Hong Kong Team, Jessup International Moot Court Competition Washington D.C.
- Winner’s Cup, Mooting Competition
- Bernard Downey Book Prize (for all round achievements)
- Representative of Hong Kong in Jessup International Moot Court Competition at New York City
- Ho Food Prize (for academic achievements)
- Member, Dean’s Honour Roll, York University
- Member, Cum Laude Society, Phillips Exeter Academy
- Co-authored with Richard Gordon Q.C. & Johnny Mok S.C., Judicial Review in Hong Kong