- 高等法院暂委副司法常务官(2017年,2019年)
- 区域法院暂委法官(2017年)
- 香港国际仲裁中心(一般名册及知识产权名册) 、新加坡国际仲裁中心、国际商会国际仲裁院、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会、北京仲裁委员会、伦敦国际仲裁院、世界知识产权组织、英国特许仲裁员学会、国际篮联(国际篮球仲裁院)及亚洲国际仲裁中心仲裁员
- 英国特许仲裁员学会资深会员和特许仲裁员
- 北京清华大学法学院国际仲裁与争端解决硕士项目客座讲师
- 香港调解资历评审协会有限公司、香港国际仲裁中心及世界知识产权组织调解员
- 香港国际仲裁中心程序委员会成员
- 上诉审裁小组(建筑物)主席
- 版权审裁处成员
- 亚洲专利代理人协会成员
- 酒牌局、上诉委员会(房屋)及渔民特惠津贴上诉委员会(禁拖措施)前成员
- King’s Glory Educational Centre Ltd v Tsang Woon Ming (unreported) HCCW 456/2016: Junior Counsel (led by Anson Wong SC) representing a renowned Hong Kong educational group in an application to strike out a winding-up petition as an abuse of process.
- AVC Property Development Co Ltd v Joyful Grace Trading Ltd & Anr (unreported) CACV 208/2016: Sole counsel representing a corporate landlord in a tenancy dispute touching upon the application of Holme v Brunskill (1878) LR 3 QBD 495 in the discharge of guarantor’s liability.
- Crestron Electronics, Inc v Crestron Asia Ltd (unreported) HCA 222/2017: Junior counsel (led by Winnie Tam SC, JP) representing a licensee and distributor of home and office automation solutions in an injunction hearing touching upon the exhaustion of trademark rights.
- Ip Fung Kuen v Sam Kee Frozen Meat Co Ltd & Ors (unreported) CACV 107/2016: Sole counsel representing a beneficial owner of shop premises in a family property dispute in resisting an appeal from a judgment following a 14-day trial at first instance.
- Xcelom Ltd v BGI-Hong Kong Co Ltd (No. 1) [2017] 1 HKLRD 421 and (No. 2) [2017] 1 HKLRD 436: Junior counsel (led by Winnie Tam SC, JP) representing a leading Chinese genomic company in defending an injunction application brought by a Hong Kong biotechnology company based on alleged patent infringement in respect of a non-invasive screening test for chromosomal abnormalities.
- Re First China Financial Network Holdings Ltd [2015] 5 HKLRD 530: Junior Counsel (led by Anson Wong SC) representing a former chairman of a Hong Kong-listed company in defending director disqualification proceedings brought by the SFC under s.214 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571).
- Novo Steel (HK) Ltd v Peako Engineering Co Ltd [2015] 2 HKLRD 598; [2015] 3 HKC 100: Sole counsel representing the plaintiff in a sale of goods case in which the Court clarified the approach to the calculation of interest under RHC Order 22.
- Re Pioneer Industries (Holdings) Ltd [2015] 1 HKLRD 1: Sole counsel representing the applicants in an application for relief under s.122(1B) of the former Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) and s.610 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) in which the Court clarified the law on whether a written resolution for an AGM passed outside the statutory time limit constitutes a “meeting” in the context of s.111 of the former Cap.32.
- Re The Bauhinia Ltd [2014] 5 HKLRD 291: Sole counsel representing respondents resisting an application for leave to commence derivate action under s.168BC of the former Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) in which the Court expressly recognized the necessity for derivative action as one of the discretionary factors in deciding whether to grant leave for a minority shareholder to commence a statutory derivative action.
- Topwell Corporation Ltd v 關錦祺 & Anr [2014] 5 HKLRD 1: Junior Counsel (led by Audrey Eu, S.C.) representing the owner of a roof hut on top of a Chinese building in an appeal to the Court of Appeal against a District Judge’s refusal of leave for him to amend his pleadings to plead a defence and counterclaim of adverse possession.
- Alviero Martini SpA v Bubble Retail Management Ltd & Or [2014] 2 HKC 494: Sole counsel representing a Taiwanese handbag manufacturer in an application for security for costs in an action concerning passing off and trade mark infringement.
- Bridam Ltd v Sa Sa Cosmetic Co Ltd & Anr [2014] 1 HKC 305: Sole counsel representing a cosmetic retailer in defending an application for mandatory injunction concerning the use of an advertising signboard hanging over Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui.
- Talent Weaving Dyeing & Printing Ltd v Able Billion Textiles Ltd [2013] 2 HKLRD 479: Sole counsel representing a textile trading company claiming conversion against the defendant in an application to strike out scandalous paragraphs in witness statements.
- Ngan In Leng v Chu Yuet Wah (No. 1) [2013] 1 HKLRD 717: Junior Counsel (led by Barrie Barlow SC) representing vendors of a Macau casino (in a claim against the controlling shareholder of the purchaser founded on an oral share repurchase agreement) in applications for specific discovery and discovery against a non-party.
- Mimi Kar Kee Wong Hung v Severn Villa Ltd & Applied Development Holdings Ltd [2012] 1 HKLRD 887: Junior Counsel (led by Barrie Barlow SC) representing a wife claiming beneficial interest in property she resided in pursuant to a divorce settlement in various interlocutory summonses in respect of expert accounting evidence and for disclosure of such evidence, and for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal.
- Dong Shin F&T Co Ltd v Hanmec Co Ltd [2010] 5 HKLRD 261: Sole counsel representing a defendant Korean company in an application to set aside leave granted to plaintiff Korean company to serve process out of jurisdiction in a claim of forgery.
- Big Island Construction (HK) Ltd v Wu Yi Development Co Ltd [2010] 2 HKC 356: Junior Counsel (led by Daniel Fung SC) representing the plaintiff company in opposing leave for subpoena ad testificandum to be issued in a $100m debt claim.
- Tsang Wai Lun Wayland v Chu King Fai [2009] 5 HKLRD 105: Co-Counsel (with William Wong SC) representing a Hong Kong-listed company in a High Court trial concerning corporate governance, director’s appointment and grant of share options.
- Abbott GmbH & Co KG v Pharmareg Consulting Co Ltd & Anr [2009] 3 HKLRD 524: Sole counsel representing a Hong Kong pharmaceutical company in resisting an injunction application for patent infringement on the basis of Swiss-type claims (i.e. second medical use claims) for the anti-obesity drug Reductil.
- Re Grand Field Group Holdings Ltd [2009] 3 HKC 81: Co-Counsel (with William Wong SC) representing a Hong Kong-listed Company in resisting application for leave to commence derivative action under s.168BC of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32).
- Re Honeycool Refrigeration & Engineering Co Ltd [2009] 1 HKLRD 447; [2009] 2 HKC 514: Sole counsel representing the respondent shareholder in an application to strike out a winding up and Section 168A Petition under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32).
- Intelligent House Ltd v Chan Tung Shing [2008] 5 HKC 390: Junior Counsel (led by Edward Chan SC) representing a minority owner in 3 summonses concerning land compulsory sale under the Lands (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap 545).
- Other Cases
Other published court cases in which Benny Lo appeared as representing counsel may be found by searching the exact phrase “Benny Lo”, “Benny K.C. Lo”, “B. Lo” and “盧君政” in the “Judgments” section of the Hong Kong Judiciary website (http://www.judiciary.gov.hk/).
- Charles Ching Memorial Scholarship, HK Bar Association (2008)
- Croucher Foundation Fellowship (2001) and Scholarship (1998)
- Fitzhugh Memorial Prize for the most outstanding student, University of Nottingham Pharmacy School (1997)
- Anita and Nicola Lee Prize for research, University of Nottingham Pharmacy School (1997)
- Invited Moderator by the Asian Academy of International Law in panel presentation on “Implementation of the Madrid Protocol in Hong Kong” (June 2018)
- Invited Speaker by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the HK Department of Justice at the “In Style Hong Kong” Symposium, Kuala Lumpur on “Arbitrating Intellectual Property Disputes” (November 2017)
- Invited Panelist in the Hong Kong Arbitration Week 2017 on “The Impact of Disruptive Technology in International Arbitration” (October 2017)
- Invited Speaker by the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department at the Pan-Pearl River Delta Intellectual Property Officials Exchange Visit to the HKSAR on “Intellectual Property Arbitration” (May 2017)
- Invited Speaker by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council at the 2016 Guangdong-Hong Kong Seminar on Development of Intellectual Property in Small-Medium Enterprises on “Resolution of Intellectual Property Disputes” (June 2016)
- Invited Speaker by the Hong Kong Institute of Trade Mark Practitioners on “Arbitrating IP Disputes” (June 2016)
卢君政大律师载誉2024年度《钱伯斯大中华区指南》香港大律师榜单,获评为知识产权领域之第二等级(Band 2)大律师。
- 《钱伯斯大中华区指南》(2024年)
- 《法律500强》亚太地区榜单(2024年)
卢君政大律师荣登2024年度《法律名人录》全球榜单仲裁领域,获评为Future Leader。受访者称赞卢君政大律师为:
- 《法律界名人录》(2024年)
- 《法律500强》亚太地区榜单(2023年)
卢君政大律师荣登2023年度《法律名人录》全球榜单仲裁领域,获评为Future Leader。受访者称赞卢君政大律师为:
- 《法律界名人录》(2023年)
WWL评价:“卢君政大律师是一位杰出的法律从业者,获市场誉为 “香港大律师中最为出色的仲裁领域专家之一”。
- 《法律界名人录》(2023年)
卢君政大律师被称赞为“一位工作务实、做事细致的大律师,拥有出色的分析能力,对于细节一丝不苟” 。